About Me
I am an observational astrophysicist. My main research areas are extragalactic astrophysics and data intensive astronomy. I also have broad interests in other fields of science, especially black holes, cosmology and dark matter. I particularly enjoy exploring original ideas and studying unexplained phenomena in the Universe.
I currently hold a NASA Hubble Fellowship (hosted by Johns Hopkins University), an independent postdoc Fellowship awarded to conduct original research. Prior to this fellowship, I was a postdoc fellow at JHU between 2011 and 2014. I obtained my Ph.D. in Physics at New York University in May 2011.
I have projects at different levels suitable for undergraduate, junior and senior (thesis) graduate students. If you are interested in learning more about them, please feel free to drop me a message or stop by my office (Bloomberg 520).
Research Interests
Extragalactic Astrophysics
Galaxy Formation and Evolution,
Circumgalactic Medium, Supermassive Black Holes
Data Intensive Astronomy
Large Imaging and Spectroscopic Surveys,
Machine Learning, Operations Research
Large-scale Structure of the Universe,
Dark Matter
Brief Bio
NASA Hubble Fellow
Hosted by Johns Hopkins University
2014 - present
Postdoc Fellow
Johns Hopkins University
2011 - 2014
Ph.D. Physics
New York University
2006 - 2011
Contact Me
Dr. Guangtun Ben Zhu
Tel: 410-516-7628
JHU Physics & Astronomy
520 Bloomberg Center,
3400 N. Charles Street,
Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
Social Media:
GTalk: guangtun.ben.zhu
Skype: hadumall